jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2022

How to eradicate the unjust censorship

Besides the immense and systematic censorship that Twitter is currently unjustly committing still, other huge part of the censorship on this Website does not come from Twitter, this is to say, directly from the company, from its rules and moderators, but from many of its users directly, and thus indirectly from Twitter, being this way this company an accomplice of that censorship, by moreover allowing that enormous abuse against free speech.

In this way, we can reasonably to think and (at least in some places out of that microblogging and social networking website) to say that Twitter is being hypocritical or at least acting with a very weak and deficient, and thus very harmful and unacceptable, engagement for freedom of speech.

For example, many very corrupt and criminal Governments in the World are presenting through Twitter (and many other sites on the Internet) a diametrically opposed to reality image of theirself. They are international criminals whose modus operandi is to lie, to hide a criminally abusive reality and to deceive millions of people around the entire World.

These so vile actions are in itself a crime against humanity.

As if this were not enough, when people try to show the contrasting reality in the pages on Twitter of these criminals, these simply block them, and this way "resolve" the problem.

Really in a certain (absurd and unjust) way it resolve it, because that undesirable people, victims of their unpunished crimes, simply even emigrate to other countries.

But this is not, of course, a true solution.

A clear concrete example of this is the genocide I have tried to show in the Twitter pages of their authors, the Government of Guadalajara, in Mexico, simply resulting in the fact that some key accounts of that criminal Government blocked all my Twitter accounts, and every new Twitter account of mine, and in this single way they until now continues committing the same, but increasedly, extremely serious crimes, massive generators of deaths and emigration to the United States, where these victims are revictimized, by other people who are accomplices of those crimes since its beginnings until its consequences.

I had also to speak about this in one of my urgent communications sent to OHCHR:


"My publications related to human rights, their violations and the truth about the actions of governments, are largely on my blog encompletoequilibrio.blogspot.com, to whose articles, usually documented with numerous first-hand archives, I link comments what I do in government profiles, as responses to their unfair or false tweets.

Thus, I show information with completely clear evidence (videos and photos) in profiles such as the government of Guadalajara and that of Jalisco; that of the mayor Pablo Lemus Navarro ( @PabloLemusN ) and that of the DIF Guadalajara ( @DIFGUADALAJARA ), among many others.

Although my Twitter profiles are of recent use in this, my activity in defense and dissemination of the truth is mainly a way to counteract the current very common and harmful phenomenon of social, cultural and political polarization that results from the fact that opposing sectors and from antagonistic orientations do not seek nor get presented but the publications that they want to see.

Politicians in Mexico systematically dedicate themselves to misinforming, deceiving and promoting ignorance and error, and therefore injustice and unfair inequality.

After my comments on those profiles, denouncing very serious human rights violations against thousands of people in Guadalajara, who are being deprived of their lives, tortured and deprived on a daily basis, the mayor's profile blocked there mine ( @Robert0Patron ).

And the DIF Guadalajara profile has blocked more than 15 accounts, mine and of some other people; which, with more space, I intend to specify publicly as well."

So, for the benefit of justice and welfare of everybody, it is indispensable to suppress the possibility of blocking any account from any other account simply by the arbitrary decision of a user, any user.

If a user want to block other user, must report them to Twitter, and a moderator of the company, on the basis of the Twitter's rules, will must to made about it a decision, but never directly any user.

Other form of censorship on Twitter is simply deleting an own tweet on which other user have made a comment with which we disagree, or we dislike. It is necessary to say that this is also an extreme stupidity and a very clear injustice?

Any information, unjust and just, mistaken and correct and false or true, is essential for the progress of Humanity, and, therefore, must to be sacred to the human being. Totally respected as a fact and matter of knowledge, of the unjust thing, of the just thing, of the mistaken thing, of the correct thing, of the false thing and of the true thing, and never deleted, for no purpose at all.

Thence, in Twitter (and in any other place in the World) never anybody would have the possibility of deleting any information, any tuit, any comment any type of information, nor to hide it or make it private, but only modifying them, by editing it, or later publishing a different, even contrary, position about that.  

So, Twitter would must suppress the possibility of deleting any new and old produced information, and to add the possibility of editing any own tweet after made, and preserving and making accessible, publicly, in each case the history of all the editions.

Any user which have got some Twinty from other user will be able to really (sincerely) change their position and later starting to use that Twinty for other purpose, and even contrary, than the originally intended or projected, in some way defrauding its Twinttier. And some other users will do it with the clearly bad intention, from the beginning, of making later that change.

Having any user access to the history of the activities of any requester of Twinty, the requested ones will be able to previously examine the information on it and to make a decision under their own responsibility.

Any user which have once committed that deception or lack of consequence of acts, will loss credibility and ability to deceive other people.

People will be in charge of resolving well that problem, but for it (and for any healthy activity in the website) first they need sufficient access to information about the other users.

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