jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2022

Greater transparency, honesty and efficiency

In order to increase highly the confidence in Twitter, it is essential to enhance the transparency in its work.

It would be positively shocking to see all the activities of the staff when intercontacting with users being carried out in a total, and a stunning, transparency.

For this purpose, it will be need to create a fully public page of support, in which the Twitter staff attends users from especial profiles, not personal, as users of Twitter, but as employees, showing a high resolution profile picture, facing and looking the camera friendly, and showing also some other photos in the workplace and on their personal or/and family life.

Those profiles will also include some other information, like a brief presentation, interests, working hours.

Preferably, these employees will have also apart a personal profile, and possibly some page(s), on Twitter, linked from their working profiles, not with the aim of being harassed by users, but just like a sign of their own confidence and comfort in Twitter.

Every interaction of any employee with any user will be public by chatting in this page.

This will obviously increase the engagement of the staff and the entire company in a better performance, and, as a result, will increase as well the trust and satisfaction of users and clients.

Other way of increasing much more, in all respects, the trust in Twitter, is making public the complete source code of the software used in the entire Website, in such a manner that every process, activity, in this aspect, can be as predicted by any qualified programmer from the outside as by any specialist from inside; and, therefore, can be extremely trustworthy.

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Tuit hecho - Dic 02, 2022
